OTL Seat Fillers Activity Submission

The Free, Private, and Easy Way to Add to Your Class, Activity, or Experience

Ticket Value

All opportunities (tickets or otherwise) offered to OTL Seat Fillers must have a value associated. OTL can't offer Seat Fillers opportunities that are free to the general public as well.

100% Comps

Although the opportunities must have a value associated, they must be offered to OTL Seat Fillers as zero-value comps - no upcharges or fees attached.

You Handle Tickets

OTL compiles the Will Call List for you. But YOU handle tickets, check-in, or other distribution. Just keep in mind that, if seats are involved, OTL member parties must be seated together.

OTL Seat Fillers Activity/Experience Submission

    Tell us about your activity or experience offering

    Let's Start with the Location or Locations (required)
    Location Notes: for more than one location - select "Other" and provide details in the Other Information Section. * = Preferred Seat Fillers location with active partners and members. All other locations are on-call cities with fewer members.















    Recommended Attire - Note - Theatre is for no tennis shoes, shorts, etc. (required)

    Age Recommendations (required)





    Unfortunately, we live in a world where spammers can ruin the fun for all. So, please just answer this simple math question as a "spam deterrent." Thank you!


    Click "send" to transfer your submission to the OTL team. We'll contact you to confirm before we post anything. You won't have to fill out this entire form for subsequent offerings - just shoot us an email - easy, peasy!