What Is OTL Seat Filling for Event Promoters?

So, What IS Seat Filling for Event Promoters?

We've got the video

By Lu, OTL Seat Fillers & City Guides

Are you an event promoter, box office manager, patron services manager, or other promoter of local shows, events, and activities?

If so, this one is for you!

An Introduction to Seat Filling for Your Venue

As seat filling is a relatively new concept outside of the massive awards show ballrooms and auditoriums, we’re spreading the word with a video series for event promoters and wannabe seat fillers.

We don’t need to provide you with a long dissertation, though.

Simply put, seat filling for event promoters is a free marketing tool you should keep in your toolbox for times when you don’t think you’ll sell every ticket. An empty seat doesn’t do you any good. It won’t buy popcorn, clap loudly, or add its name to your marketing list.

Inviting Seat Fillers to Attend Events is Easy

Seat filling for event promoters is:

  • Private
  • Free
  • And Super Easy

How Seat Filling for Event Promoters Works

It couldn't be easier to work with OTL.

  1. You let OTL know how many complimentary tickets you’d like to issue to seat filler members.
  2. OTL posts the show in the members-only area and compiles a reservation list.
  3. You receive the reservation list and distribute the tickets or check in the guests on the day of the show or event.

No money is exchanged.

No tickets are exchanged.

And, no one knows you’ve invited seat fillers!

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OTL Seat Fillers list, seat filling updates

So, What Is Seat Filling for Event Promoters?

A free and easy way to build up your audience and make some extra money on concessions and merchandise.

How Do You Take Advantage of Seat Filling?

All you have to do to get the ball rolling is use the submission form on OTLSeatFillers.com.

OTL is a family-run club that supports local arts & entertainment. So, get started now!

Frequently Asked Questions About Seat Filling

What is Seat Filling for Event Promoters?

Local seat filling is much different than seat filling for awards shows. These days, event promoters have a free service to turn to when they anticipate having some open seats in the audience. Event promoters contact a club like OTL Seat Fillers and privately extend an invitation for "x" amount of seat fillers to attend. OTL compiles a reservation list for the event promoter and seat fillers pick up their comps at the box office right before the event.

Where is Local Seat Filling provided by OTL available?

OTL Seat Fillers have 10 preferred (busiest) locations in the US as well as London (UK). The 10 cities are Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Chicago, Denver, Orlando, San Francisco, Seattle, South Florida, and Tampa Bay. Additionally, OTL has a level of seat filling called on-call, slowly extending the service to new markets that will eventually become preferred locations. Some of the best on-call cities include Charlotte, Nashville, Portland, Raleigh, and St. Louis.

What do event promoters pay for seat filling?

Zero. Event promoters that partner with OTL Seat Fillers don't pay for the service. They provide complimentary tickets for the seat fillers, though.

Are there other benefits to seat filling other than a bigger audience?

Yes. An empty seat doesn't do a venue any good. Seat Fillers add to the atmosphere and increase the bottom line as they buy food, drinks, and merchandise. Additionally, event promoters can add seat fillers to their marketing lists for future events.

How do event promoters get started with seat filling?

To become a new partner of OTL Seat Fillers, event promoters can use the event submission form on OTLSeatFillers.com or use the contact form for more information. OTL never posts a show until the details are confirmed with the promoter.