Internship Announcement

OTL Spotlight Innovators Internship: Arts & Entertainment Entrepreneurial Experience

    OTL Spotlight Internships

    Please use this form if you're interested in one of the OTL Spotlight internships. Keep in mind that internships are unpaid.

    Your Name (required)


    Your Email (required)


    Please review your email address for accuracy. If there's a typo, we won't be able to reply.


    Primary Role
    Interns will play a pivotal role in expanding our Spotlight arts and entertainment marketplace throughout the US and UK. Responsibilities include engaging with a diverse group of artists, venues, and entertainers to compile information such as schedules, ticket links, merchandise shops, audition announcements, music downloads, tour dates, and performance details. Engagement methods will encompass phone, email, social media, and online research efforts.

    Optional Side Projects for Enhanced Learning
    To tailor the internship experience to individual interests and career aspirations, interns may choose an optional side project. If you're interested in gaining in experience in any of these areas, please indicate which one(s).


    Just to be sure...


    Please copy and paste your resume here as the preferred method (or attach if you can't properly format it). (required)


    Please answer so we can avoid spammers: (required)

    We look forward to receiving your message!

    Optional resume upload: