OTL Event Promoters FAQ

Event Promoters FAQ

  1. YOU let OTL know how many seats you’d like to fill.
  2. OTL compiles a reservation list for YOU
  3. YOU issue the tickets when seat fillers check in right before the show.
  4. No money or tickets ever change hands. Gotta love that!
What is local seat filling?

At OTL, we refer to “local seat filling” to distinguish it from awards show seat fillers (though we’ve done that, too!). Local seat filling is a win-win solution for venues looking to fill unsold seats and introduce their amazing shows to new audiences. Whether you have four open seats or more, you can invite seat fillers—completely discreetly. No one will know, but everyone will feel the buzz of a fuller, more vibrant audience!

How does it work?

In a nutshell, if you’re promoting a show or event and you anticipate having some open spots, you let OTL know how many tickets you’d like to issue to seat fillers. OTL posts the opportunity in the private members-only area. Interested seat filler members make reservations, and the list is sent to you on the day of the event. Seat fillers stop by the box office right before the show, and you handle your own tickets. Easy-peasy!

What kinds of events do you work with?

Our seat fillers are ready for anything—from plays and musicals to comedy shows, concerts, expos, sports, and immersive experiences. The most frequently offered events tend to be plays, musicals, and comedy shows, and we’ve partnered with a wide range of events, including smaller community productions and large-scale events. Seat fillers have also attended classes, movie screenings, book signings, parties, and special events.

How many tickets do I need to provide?

That’s entirely up to you, as it’s based on your needs. We can post seat-filling opportunities with as few as four seats. Four to 40 is a typical range that most event promoters fall within.

How much is your service?

Our seat-filling service is completely free. All you provide is your allotment of complimentary tickets or admissions to fill empty seats.

What areas do you cover?

Currently, OTL is in London, England. OTL also covers five major markets in the US – Atlanta, Austin, Denver, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. These are locations with the most seat fillers and seat-filling opportunities. Additionally, OTL has a presence in other cities, known as on-call locations. These are places where seat filling is active, but there aren’t as many regular opportunities. OTL’s on-call locations include Boston, Charlotte, Chicago, Nashville, Raleigh, Seattle, South Florida, St. Louis, and Tampa Bay.

I’ve seen that seat filling generates revenue. How does that work?

While seat fillers receive free admission, they typically spend on food, drinks, parking, and merchandise. Plus, they often bring paying guests with them, even beyond their 2- or 4-ticket membership allotment, boosting your overall revenue.

Are there other benefits to seat filling?

Absolutely! Seat filling expands your audience and can help grow your marketing list. You can ask seat fillers for their email or contact information at check-in. Over time, many OTL members become loyal supporters, returning as volunteers, season ticket holders, or even employees of venues they’ve discovered through our program.

How far in advance do I need to request seat fillers?

We recommend at least two days' notice to spread the word with email alerts. However, the more lead time you provide, the better. Seven days or more is ideal for optimal results, but we’ll work with whatever timeline fits your needs.

How do I get the tickets to seat fillers? 

You keep control of all tickets. Seat fillers will come directly to your Will Call window or another designated location to check in 30-60 minutes before showtime. OTL never handles tickets directly.

How do I know how many seat fillers are attending?

Once seat fillers make online reservations in our private, members-only area, we’ll automatically send a reservation list to your box office on the day of the event. And remember, you let OTL know how many tickets you’ve set aside for seat fillers, and OTL never exceeds that amount.

Why don’t I see a list of partner names anywhere?

Our “privacy to shows” policy ensures that we never promote or disclose the names of our entertainment partners. This protects regular ticket sales and ensures your brand remains the focus.

Anything else I need to know?

OTL Seat Fillers has been a family-run club since 2014, with a mission to support live entertainment. Beyond shows, we’ve also helped fill seats for conferences, classes, sporting events, activities, and even awards shows.

Can I offer tickets to a free event through OTL Seat Fillers?

No, tickets offered through OTL Seat Fillers must have an associated value. Since our service is designed to provide exclusive opportunities, we can't promote public events that are already free to attend without a seat filler membership. This ensures the value and exclusivity of our members' experience.

Can I set restrictions on the number of seat fillers or which sections they sit in?

Yes! You have full control over the ticket allotment and any seating guidelines. Whether you prefer to fill specific sections or limit the number of seat fillers per event, you’re in charge of seating assignments. The only rule we have is that members’ parties must be seated together. OTL seat filler members either have a two or four-seat membership. The ticket number is noted on the reservation list.

What happens if my event sells out after I've invited seat fillers?

Once you’ve offered tickets to seat fillers, those tickets must be removed from your inventory, and the invitation stands. If OTL offers opportunities to its members, we must stand by them. You can always add to your seat-filling invitation, but you can’t take away from it unless OTL still has some unclaimed tickets in the reservation system.

How easy is it to modify a seat filler request?

If your initial allotment fills up and you have more seats available, you’re welcome to add more to the list. Remember that once an invitation is sent out, it can’t be retracted, so it’s important to commit to the offered seats. You’ll most likely be working with Kalem, so just send him any updates, changes, or questions you have throughout the process.

How do I get started?

To get started, simply fill out OTL’s event submission form to share details about your event and let OTL know how many tickets you’d like to issue. Someone from OTL always confirms the information before posting. You don’t need to submit a form every time you want to invite seat fillers – just email your OTL contact with new event info.